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Ray Graber

The Power of Walking: Lessons from Interstitial Cystitis Remission (6 yrs)

In remission from interstitial cystitis (IC), I've learned the hard way that I can run or I can walk. If I run, I will fall, possibly injuring myself and delaying progress. The recovery process from running is rigid and unforgiving. If I walk, I will eventually trip, but that only requires a short break to assess any injuries, adjust if necessary, and then keep moving forward with little recovery time.

There is so much emphasis on speed in our society that I often forget the importance of taking things at a slower pace. Walking allows me to breathe, take in my surroundings, appreciate the beauty of my space, and connect with my inner self.

Running, on the other hand, always leads to some level of burnout, additional stress, and eventually exhaustion. It's so easy to get caught up in the race to my finish line, but what happens when I get there? I'm left feeling exhausted, drained, and unfulfilled. I simply don't have the extra energy to truly enjoy my accomplishments before preparing for the next one, which sucks the joy from my life.

I've learned that walking is far more productive in maintaining optimal health. I have time to think clearly, make better decisions, and ultimately achieve my goals with a lot more ease. Walking is more about being intentional with my time and efforts, rather than running until I'm out of breath, focused more on recovery than forward momentum.

Now when I see a choice between running and walking, I walk slowly. So I can take the time to appreciate the journey, make sure I'm aligned with my goals, and enjoy the process, rather than just focusing on the finish line and ignoring the pain.

Interstitial cystitis has taught me invaluable lessons about pacing and self-awareness. Walking allows me to live more mindfully, to be present in each moment, and to prioritize my well-being over the relentless pursuit of achievement. This mindful approach to life helps me stay balanced, reduces stress, and enhances my overall health.

In conclusion, while society often pressures us to move faster and achieve more, there is immense value in slowing down and walking. Walking offers a sustainable path to progress, one that fosters resilience, clarity, and joy. By choosing to walk, we embrace a journey that honors our body, mind, and spirit, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

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